For my Popping 700 Balloons video, I was hoping to get some really great pops in slow motion. I wasn’t about to blow up another 700 balloons if I messed up the video, so it was important to get it right the first time. All in all, the results were pretty good, but it took some planning and experimenting to get there.
Category: Amusements
Popping Seven Hundred Balloons
What’s more fun than playing in a room filled with seven hundred balloons? Getting your Wolverine on and popping them with needle sharp claws!
Unexpected Robots
One of best things about traveling, especially to other countries, is stumbling across something that may be commonplace to the locals but which is new and interesting to you. I was recently in Florence, Italy and happened upon an intriguing approach to a common civil engineering problem that uses a big ole’ robotic arm on a truck.
Filling a Room with Seven Hundred Balloons
It’s a good bet that sometime in your life, you or someone you know has suggested filling a friend’s room/dorm/cubicle with balloons as a surprise for a birthday or other celebration. It’s one of those ideas that keeps coming up. But how practical is it, really? How many balloons would it take? How long would it take to blow them all up?
Well, my daughter had a birthday party and wanted a room full of balloons that she and her friends could dive into, crawl around in, and generally have fun. This was the perfect opportunity to find out what it really took make a balloon-filled room.